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  • United State Government printing office  

Geological Survey Bulletin 995- A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1953
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0243

Geological Survey Bulletin 996- A,B,C,D,E

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1953
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0242

Precambrian Deposits of Zinc-Copper-Lead Sulfides and Zinc Spinnel (Gahnite) in Colorado

di Douglas M. Sheridan, William H. Raymond
United State Government printing office, 1984
Cod. VFR0268

Geological Survey Bulletin 1556,1557,1561

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1984
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0271

The Classical Analysis of Silicate Rocks-The Old and the New

di Herbert Kirschenbaum
United State Government printing office, 1983
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0272

Geological Survey Bulletin 1549,1551

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1983
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0273

Proterozoic Geology of the Brady Butte area, Yavapai County, Arizona

di Philip M. Blacet
United State Government printing office, 1985
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0274

Tertiary Stratigraphy of the Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California

di Alan Bartow, Kristin McDougall
United State Government printing office, 1984
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0275

White mountain and adjacent areas, New Mexico

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1979
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0277

Annual report of the Director of the Geological Survey

di United States Department of the Interior
United State Government printing office, 1932
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0278

Startigraphic Nomenclature of the Newark Supergroup of Eastern North America

di Gwendolyn W.Lutterell
United State Government printing office, 1989
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0279

Geological Survey Bulletin 1244- A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0280

Water for a Rapidly Growing Urban Community, Oakland County, Michigan

di F.R.Twenter, R.L.Knutilla
United State Government printing office, 1972
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0281

Geology of Nimba County, Liberia

di Eric R. Force
United State Government printing office, 1983
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0282

Geological Survey Bulletin 1539,1541

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1984
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0283

Geology of the Tonsina District, Alaska

di Fred H. Moffit
United State Government printing office, 1935
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0285

Geological Survey Bulletin 1558-A,B-D

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1984
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0286

Thermodynamic Properties of Mineral and Related Substances at 298.15° (25.0°) and One Atmosphere (1.013 Bars) Pressure and at Higher Temperatures

di Richard A. Robie, David R. Waldbaum
United State Government printing office, 1968
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0288

Geological Survey Bulletin 1566,1567

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1987
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0267

Lexicon of New Formal Geologic Names of the United States 1981-1985

di Gwendolyn W.Lutterell, Marylin L. Hubert, Cynthia R. Murdock
United State Government printing office, 1991
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0266

The Routine Mineralogical Analysis of Clay-Bearing Samples

di Harry C. Starkey, Paul D. Blackmon, Phoebe L. Hauff
United State Government printing office, 1984
Cod. VFR0265

High-Alumina Hydrothermal System in Volcanic Rocks and their Significance to Mineral Prospecting in the Carolina Slate Belt

di Robert G.Schmidt
United State Government printing office, 1985
Cod. VFR0264

Geological Survey Bulletin 1559,1560

di AA.VV.
United State Government printing office, 1986
Cod. VFR0263

Lexicon of New Formal Geologic Names of the United States 1976-1980

di Gwendolyn W.Lutterell, Marylin L. Hubert, Virginia M. Jussen
United State Government printing office, 1986
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0269

Map Projections Used by the U.S. Geological Survey

di John P. Snyder
United State Government printing office, 1982
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0270

The Geology and Ore Depposits of the Reese River District Lander County Nevada

di Clyde P. Ross
United State Government printing office, 1953
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0290

Bentonite Deposits of the Northern Black Hills District Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota

di Maxwell M. Knechtel, Sam H.Patterson
United State Government printing office, 1962
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0291


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