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Trovati 74 risultati.
  • The university press  
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An Abiding City

di Neeman A. Sobhan
The University Press Limited, 2002
Cod. CT128

The Cambridge History of English Literature

di Sir A. W. Ward, A. R. Waller, a cura di
At the University Press - Cambridge, 1933-1934
Cod. KEB4894

Shakespeare Survey

di Allardyce Nicoll, a cura di
At The University Press - Cambridge, 1948
Cod. KEB5198

Claude Rains

di David J. Skal- Jessica Rains
The University Press of Kentucky, 2010
Cod. KEL5408

The Cambridge history of English literature

di Sir A.W.Ward, A.R.Waller
Cambridge at the University press, 1934
Stato: BUONO
Cod. LOL6098

The Cambridge history of English literature

di Sir.A.W.Ward, A.R.Waller
Cambridge at the University press, 1934
Stato: BUONO
Cod. LOL6377

The Cambridge history of english literature vol.XIII, tomo II

di Sir A.W. Ward, A.R.Waller
At the University Press, 1933
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MAE0994

The Cambridge history of english literature vol.III

di Sir A.W.Ward, A.R.Waller
At the University press, 1934
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MAE1413

The cambridge history of english literature vol.VI

di Sir A.W.Ward, A.R.Waller
At the university press, 1934
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MAE1929

The Cambridge history of english literature vol.IX

di Sir A.W.Ward, A.R.Waller
At the university press, 1933
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MAE1968

Studies in philology, volume IV-VII, 1910-11

di AA.VV.
Chapel Hill The University Press, 1910
Cod. CAD2360

Studies in philology, volume I-III, 1906-08

di AA.VV.
Chapel Hill The University Press, 1906
Stato: BUONO
Cod. CAD2361

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume of plates III, IV, V

di C.T.Seltman, a cura di
At the University press, 1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0878

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume VI, Macedon 401-301 B.C.

di J.B.Bury, S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock
At the University press, 1964
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0879

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume VIII, Rome and the Mediterranean 218-133 B.C.

di S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock, M.P.Charlesworth
At the University press, 1970
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0880

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume IV. The Persian Empire and the West

di J.B.Bury, S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock
At the University press, 1964
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0883

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume IX, The Roman Republic 133-44 B.C.

di S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock, M.P.Charlesworth
At the University press, 1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0884

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume XI. The imperial peace A.D.70-192

di S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock, M.P.Charlesworth
At the University press, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0885

The Cambridge ancient history. Volume XII. The imperial crisis and recovery

di S.A.Cook, F.E.Adcock, M.P.Charlesworth, N.H.Baynes
At the University press, 1965
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0886

King Richard II

di William Shakespeare
Cambridge at the university press, 1903
Cod. BAL0367

Milton's Paradise Lost Books V and VI

di A. Wilson Verity
The University Press, 1892
Stato: BUONO
Cod. FAM1365

Studies in Philology - Vol. VIII, part II-Introduction

di James Finch Royster, a cura di
The University Press, 1911
Stato: BUONO
Cod. KEM1028

Function and structure in micro-organisms

di M. R. Pollock, M. H. Richmond
Society for General microbiology at the University Press, 1965
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MED0633

Dormancy and survival

di AA.VV.
Cambridge: at the University Press, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. MED0996

Concentration in British Industry

di R.Evely & I.M.D.Little
Cambridge at the University Press, 1960
Stato: BUONO
Cod. ROM0960

The Elizabethan immage of Africa

di Eldred D.Jones
The University press of Virginia, 1971
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0245

The old world and the new 1492-1650

di J. H. Elliott
Cambridge at the University press, 1970
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0326

The Urban Mosaic

di Duncan Timms
Cambridge at the University Press, 1971
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0551

J.G.Herder on social and political culture

di F.M.Barnard
Cambridge at the University Press, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0634

Man versus Society in eighteenth-Century britain

di James L.Clifford
Cambridge at the University press, 1968
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TEM0330

The Cambridge Book of Prose and Verse

di George Sampson
At The University Press, 1924
Cod. MAL0526

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.98, january-october 1964

di D.V.Davies, a cura di
The university press, 1964
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8009

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.95, january 1961 october 1961

di D.V.Davies, a cura di
The university press, 1961
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8010

Journal of anatomy originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.91, january 1957-october 1957

di J.D.Boyd, a cura di
The university press, 1957
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8011

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.90, january-october 1956

di J.D.Boyd, a cura di
The university press, 1956
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8012

Journal of anatomy. Vol.102, november 1967-march 1968

di R.J.Harrison, a cura di
The university press, 1968
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8018

Journal of anatomy. Vol.101, January-september 1967

di R.J.Harrison, a cura di
The university press, 1967
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8019

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.92 january-october 1958

di J.D. Boyd, diretto da
The university press, 1958
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL7979

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology, vol.96 january-october 1962

di D.V. Davies, diretto da
The university press, 1962
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL7978

Journal of anatomy. Originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.97, january 1963-october 1963

di D.V. Davies, diretto da
The university press, 1963
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL7977

Journal of anatomy originally the journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol.99, january 1965-october 1965

di R.J.Harrison, diretto da
The university press, 1965
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8048
« 1 2  » 


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