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  • Government printing office  

Surface water supply of the united states 1909, part IX, Colorado river basin. Part X, The great basin

di W.B.Freeman, R.H.Bolster, E.C.La Rue, F.F.Henshaw
Government printing office, 1911
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8123

Surface water supply of the united states 1916. Part XII, A e B-north pacific drainage basins

di Nathan C.Grover
Government printing office, 1919
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8126

Surface water supply of the united states 1913. Part XII-north pacific drainage basins

di Nathan C.Grover
Government printing office, 1917
Cod. VEL8127

Gazetteer of streams of texas. Ground water in the meriden area Connecticut

di Glenn A.Gray. Gerald A.Waring
Government printing office, 1919-20
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8133

The salton sea region, California. The lower gila region, Arizona

di John S.Brown. Clyde P.Ross
Government printing office, 1923
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8138

Equipment for current-meter gaging stations. A water-power reconnaissance in South-central Alaska. Water resources of Hawaii 1913

di G.J.Lyon. J.C.Hoyt. G.K.Larrison
Government printing office, 1915
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8141

Underground water resources of connecticut. Water resources of the blue grass region, Kentucky

di Herbert E.Gregory. George Charlton Matson
Government printing office, 1909
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8143

Surface water supply of oregon 1878-1910

di F.F.Henshaw, H.J.Dean
Government printing office, 1915
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8144

Hydroelectric power systems of california and their extensions into oregon and nevada

di Frederich Hall Fowler
Government printing office, 1923
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8146

Underground water resources of Iowa

Government printing office, 1912
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VEL8147


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