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  • The university  
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The Cambridge economic history of Europe Vol. IV-VI-Part 1

di AA.VV.
Cambridge at the University Press, 1967-1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0671

The Study of Population

di Philip M. Hauser and Otis Dudley Duncan, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1972
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0358

The Art of Describing. Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century

di Svetlana Alpers
The University of Chicago Press, 1983
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0446

The Urban Mosaic

di Duncan Timms
Cambridge at the University Press, 1971
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0551

Time will say nothing

di Ramin Jahanbegloo
The University of Regina Press, 2014
Cod. TSM0614

The Day of the Scorpion, Vol. 2

di Paul Scott
The University of Chigago Press, 1998
Cod. ZH578

Project Evaluation

di Arnold C. Harberger
The University of chicago Press, 1972
Stato: BUONO
Cod. ZT1441

The University of Missouri Studies Volume II, n.1,2, 1903

di Frank Thilly
The University of Missouri, 1903
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VFR0210

Emile Durkheim. On Morality and Society

di Robert N. Bellah, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0127

Nineteenth-Century Europe: liberalism and its criticis

di Jan Goldstein- John W. Boyer, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1988
Cod. TMM0507

Readings in linguistic I

di Martin Joos, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1968
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0576

Greece in the Bronze Age

di Emily Vermeule
The University of Chicago Press, 1992
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TUM0550


di Susan Tax Freeman
The University of Chicago Press, 1970
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0687

On Social Psychology

di George Herbert Mead
The University of Chicago Press, 1972
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0359

Toward the Final Solution. A History of European Racism

di George L. Mosse
The University of Wisconsin Press, 1985
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0469

Piero della Francesca: The Flagellation

di Marilyn Aronberg Lavin
The University Chicago Press, 1990
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0576

Chicago: Growth of a Metropolis

di Harold M. Mayer, Richard C. Wade
The University of Chicago Press, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0635

The Jewel in the Crown, Vol. 1

di Paul Scott
The University of Chigago Press, 1998
Stato: BUONO
Cod. ZH581

University of California, San Diego Contributions Volume 47 Part I, II 1977

di Aa.Vv.
The University Library - University of California, San Diego, 1977-1978-1979
Cod. VEI3857

Bulletin of the University of Missouri Vol.VI, 1905, No.1

di AA.VV.
The University of Missouri, 1905
Cod. VFR0306

Rome: Late Republic and Principate

di Walter Emil Kaegi Jr.- Peter White, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1986
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0524

The Beginnings of Western Science

di David C. Lindberg
The University of Chicago Press, 2007
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0646

Readings in Urban Geography

di Harold M. Mayer e Clyde F. Kohn, a cura di
The University of Chicago Press, 1959
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0263

Homo Hierarchicus

di Louis Dumont
The University of Chicago Press, 1970
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0363

Florence in the forgotten centuries 1527-1800

di Eric Cochrane
The University of Chicago Press, 1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TMM0796

The Catalan Chronicle of Francisco de Moncada

di John M. Sharp, a cura di
Texas Western Press - The University of Texas at El Paso, 1975
Stato: BUONO
Cod. RAC1217

Street Corner Society

di William Foote Whyte
The University of Chicago Press, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0527

Structuring Diversity

di Louise Lamphere, a cura di
The University Chicago Press, 1992
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TSM0588

Realism, Writing, Disfiguration: on Thomas Eakins and Stephen Crane

di Michael Fried
The University of Chicago Press, 1989
Stato: BUONO
Cod. TUM0626

Caterina Sforza

di Ernst Breisach
The University of Chicago Press, 1967
Stato: BUONO
Cod. KAV1726
In arrivo

The Odes and Epodes of Horace

di Josepe P. Clancy
The University of chicago Press, 1965
Stato: BUONO
Cod. ZH326

They Wrote on Clay

di Edward Chiera
The University of chicago Press, 1956
Stato: BUONO
Cod. ZH829
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