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  • United States Government Printing Office  
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Quaternary geology of the Smoke Creek-Medicine Lake-Grenora area Montana and North Dakota

di Irving J. Witkind
United States Government printing office, 1959
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0179

Contributions to general geology

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1960,1961,1962,1963
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0181

Contributions to economic geology 1122

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1962,1963
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0182

Contributions to engineering geology 1258

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1968,1969,1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0183

Geology along the Taylor Highway Alaska

di Helen L. Foster, Terry E.C. Keith
United States Government printing office, 1969
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0184

Contributions to economic geology 1332

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1971,1972,1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0186

Geology of the McCarthy B-4 quadrangle, Alaska

di E.M. MacKevett Jr
United States Government printing office, 1970
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0187

The geologic story of Yellowstone National Park

di William R. Keefer
United States Government printing office, 1971
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0188

Stratigraphy of the Washakie Formation in the Washakie Basin, Wyoming

di Henry W. Roehler
United States Government printing office, 1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0189

Some suggested stratigraphic relations in part of Southwestern New England

di Norman L. Hatch Jr, Rolfe S. Stanley
United States Government printing office, 1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0190

Geology of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1975,1978,1988
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0191

Aeromagnetic and limited gravity studies and generalized geology of the Bodie Hills Region, Nevada and California

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1975
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0192

Influence of rainfall and ancient landslide deposits on recent landslides

di Tor H. Nilsen, Barbara L. Turner
United States Government printing office, 1975
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0193

Studies related to wilderness

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1975,1977
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0194

Preliminary steam tables for NaCl solutions

di John L. Haas Jr, Robert W. Potter II, David L. Brown
United States Government printing office, 1976,1977
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0195

Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological survey, 1975

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1976,1977
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0196

Mineral resources of the cranberry wilderness study area, Webster and Pocahontas Counties, West Virginia

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1981
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0197

Potential hazards from future eruptions in the vicinity of Mount Shasta Volcano, Northern California

di C. Dan Miller
United States Government printing office, 1980
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0198

Delaware Water

di W.C. Rasmussen, J.W. Odell, N.H. Beamer
United States Government printing office, 1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0199

Studies related to wilderness-wildlife refuges

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1967,1968
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0200

Lexicon of Geologic Names of the United States for 1936-1960 parte I A-F

di Grace C. Keroher
United States Government printing office, 1966
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0202

Bibliography of North American geology, 1970

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1973
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0203

Mineral resources of the United States, 1922 parte I

di AA.VV.
United States Government printing office, 1923,1924
Stato: BUONO
Cod. VVR0204
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